CERAM Rollers

CERAM Rollers

The CERAM rollers have been studied to resolve any ceramic storage and movement needs. NUOVA OMEC, supporting the customers researching the better solutions for various problems which are related to the ceramic products’ movement, has developed a real experience as regards the most suitable coatings to face the difficulties, extremely variables and specifics related to the ceramic sector. The materials range spaces from steel to PVC, technically improved during the years in synergy with a consolidated and reliable group of suppliers, until the technical coatings: anti-usury, cut resistant, anti-oil with high performances and duration.

Series BX Rollers

Series BX Rollers are suitable to satisfy the stockage exigence and floor tiles handling in boxes or suspension gears. Nuova OMEC provides adequate machines to realize the molding of roller headers in different forms: round with seeger, flared, square, smooth, broadside or tapered. Rollers useful in boxes employment with rollers flat lifting or fixed floor are also realized.

Wheel Group

NUOVA OMEC supplies components like: wheel, axles and supports for rail transport; wheel with vulkollan or polyurethane covering for transport on the floor. It realizes specific spare parts used by handling machines for the ceramic sector.

Spare parts

Specific spare particulars for ceramic sector.